Research areas

Research Areas

Dynamic Optimization

Paul L. Fackler and Krishna Pacifici. Addressing Structural and Observational Uncertainty in Resource Management. Journal of Environmental Management, 133 (2014): 27-36.

Paul L. Fackler. “Category count models for resource management.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 3(2012): 555–563.

Methodology in Resource Management

Paul L. Fackler (2018) Gambling with extinction: Comments on Chauvenet et al. (2010). Ecological Applications. Accepted for publication.

Fackler PL, Pacifici K, Martin J, McIntyre C (2014)  Efficient Use of Information in Adaptive Management with an Application to Managing Recreation near Golden Eagle Nesting Sites. PLoS ONE 9(8): e102434. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102434

Paul L. Fackler and Robert G. Haight. (2014). Monitoring as a Partially Observable Decision Problem. Resource and Energy Economics. 37: 226–241

Lucile Marescot, Guillaume Chapron, Iadine Chadès, Paul L. Fackler, Christophe Duchamp, Eric Marboutin and Olivier Gimenez. Complex decisions made simple: a primer on stochastic dynamic programming. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4(2013):872-884.

Applications of dynamic optimization in resource management

Jaime A. Collazo, Adam J. Terando, Augustin C. Engman, Paul F. Fackler & Thomas J. Kwak (2018) Toward a Resilience-Based Conservation Strategy for Wetlands in Puerto Rico: Meeting Challenges Posed by Environmental

David R. Smith, Paul L. Fackler, Sheila M. Eyler, Laura Villegas Ortiz & Stuart A. Welsh (2017) Optimization of Decision Rules for Hydroelectric Operation to Reduce Both Eel Mortality and Unnecessary Turbine Shutdown: A Search for a Win-Win Solution. River Research and Applications. 33: 1279–1285. 10.1002/rra.3182

David Kling, James Sanchirico and Paul L. Fackler (2017) Optimal monitoring and control under state uncertainty: application to lionfish management. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 84: 223-245. 10.1016/j.jeem.2017.01.001.

Baggio, Michele and P.L. Fackler. (2016). Optimal management with reversible regime shifts. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 132:124-136.

MacLachlan, Matthew J., Michael R. Springborn and Paul L. Fackler (2016) Learning about a Moving Target in Resource Management: Optimal Bayesian Disease Control. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 99: 140-162.

Fred A. Johnson, Paul L. Fackler, G. Scott Boomer, Guthrie Zimmerman, Byron K. Williams, James D. Nichols and Robert M. Dorazio (2016) State-Dependent Resource Harvesting With Lagged Information About System States. PLoS ONE, 11(6).

Paul L. Fackler. (2014) Structural and Observational Uncertainty in Environmental and Natural Resource Management. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics. 7:1-31.

Jaime A. Collazo, Paul L. Fackler, Krishna Pacifici, Thomas H. White Jr., Ivan Llerandi-Roman and Stephen J. Dinsmore. Optimal allocation of captive-reared Puerto Rican parrots: Decisions when divergent dynamics characterize managed populations. Journal of Wildlife Management, 77(2013):1124-1134.

Martin J,  Fackler PL, Nichols JD, Lubow BL, Runge, MC, McIntyre CL, Lubow BL, McCluskie MC, Schmutz JA. “Adaptive-Management Framework for Optimal Control of Hiking Near Golden Eagles Nests in Denali National Park.” Conservation Biology 25(2011): 316–323.

Martin J,  Nichols JD, Fackler PL, Lubow BL, Eaton MJ, Runge, MC, Stih BM, Langtimm CA. “Structured decision making as a proactive approach to dealing with sea level rise in Florida.” Climatic Change 107(2011): 185-202.